For Authers

Instructions for authors

The Iraqi Journal for Applied Science (IJAS) focused on the defined areas. Only scientific contributions meeting the following requirements can be published in the journal:

  • The scientific article based on own research containing all parts of a scientific article (introduction, theoretical solutions, objectives and methodology, results, discussion, conclusion).
  • The article is original and has not yet been published.
  • The author has the copyright including the permission to use it freely.

The author confirms these facts by signing a statement ( DOC »). The statement must be signed by author, each author signs his/her own document. We do not accept a document without signature. This statement should be sent via editorial system OJS as one of the attachments.

The author is responsible for originality and professional as well as formal accuracy of the contribution.

Contributions in the Iraqi Journal for Applied Science (IJAS) are published in the English language only. Contributions are accepted in the electronic form and format MS Word - doc (alternatively docx, rtf) upload via editorial system (OJS). The acceptance of the article for publishing will be confirmed by e-mail.

The Iraqi Journal for Applied Science (IJAS) published 4 times a year:

Issue 1 - March 31
Issue 2 - June 30
Issue 3 - September 30
Issue 4 - December 31