Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

 To maintain the integrity and quality of IJAS, the following principles of Publication Ethics are strictly adhered to:

As Editors:

  1. IJAS practices double-blind peer review process and maximizes effort to prevent any conflict of interests between the authors, the editors and the reviewers.
  2. IJAS is committed to use plagiarism detecting software to screen submitted papers and reserves the right to reject any paper with high similarity score.
  3. IJAS ensures that confidentiality of all information related to the submitted papers is upheld.

As Authors:

  1. Only original works are submitted. Any plagiarism detected would lead to outright rejection.
  2. The submitted papers are not concurrently submitted to other journals.
  3. Use of all works from other sources should be acknowledged by appropriate citation and referencing.
  4. Any fundamental and significant error discovered in the published work must be immediately communicated to the journal editor.
  5. All possible conflicts of interests must be disclosed during the submission of the first draft.
  6. Agreement shall be given to transfer copyright of publication before submitting the article.

As Reviewers:

  1. All information related to the submitted papers must be kept as confidential.
  2. Any detection of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side must be promptly communicated to the editor.
  3. All submitted papers shall be reviewed fairly and objectively.
  4. Reviewers who feel unqualified to review a submitted article or are aware of any conflict of interest, which may influence the quality of the review, should promptly notify the editor to be excluded from that particular assignment.