Publishing fees

Publishing fees

Publishing in Iraqi Journal for Applied Science is free for foreign authors


The Iraqi researchers should pay an amount of 25.000 ID on submission of the research, other fees of 125.000 ID are payable on approval of publishing if the paper contains 12 pages or less for covering the coasts of publishing & plagiarism. When the manuscript contains more than 12 pages, researchers are directed to pay 5,000 ID for any additional page.


All accepted manuscripts to be published in the Iraqi Journal for  Applied Science are subject to proofreading with charges of 50000 ID in order to bring the manuscript up to a flawless standard in the English language. 



Fees Payment

Payment methods are as follows:

Cash Payment at the IJAS site at college of education for pure Science, University of Diyala

Or,  you can contact the Journal secretariat through this cell number   (+964 770 010 2092) or (07712090384)

Or by writing to journal email (

• For more information: Link to the Journal's Telegram group: